so i've picked up the trendy new chick hobby of knitting.
see stich and bitch. i had been knitting scarves like a madwoman when i decided, "why should my friends and family be the only ones to suffer from my new hobby, when i can torture my dogs, too?" and thus began the search for an easy dog sweater to knit. i found
this one online. i like it a lot; it is quite simple and only took me about a day. granted, it was all christmas eve day on the couch watching christmas movies, but it was a day nonetheless. max was the first victim. here he is modeling his new garment...
squinty mc squintersons
side viewmulty, you're next. mwaaa haa haaaa!
What a perfect model. I love the sweater and when you're finished with Multi, Buddy needs one.
I can attest to her prowess I have a scarf.
Is that just the cutest puppy in his designer sweater. Buddy the DOG needs a sweater NOT Buddy the CAT. I love have many hidden talents my dear.
Hope you can read this, an article from the LAist (worth the cut and paste). Happy New Year!
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